Water Soluble Products

Produits solubles dans l'eau

Poudre botanique Produits solubles dans l'eau Autre produit Produits personnalisés

Poudre de grenade

Nom du produit : Poudre de grenade

Nom botanique : Punica granatum

Spécification : Poudre de fruits

Origine des matières premières : Chine

Informations sur les allergènes : Sans gluten

Informations spéciales : Sans gluten, sans OGM, casher, halal

Pomegranate powder:

Pomegranate is a kind of berry with rich nutrition. Vitamin C is 1 to 2 times higher than that of apples and pears. After the pomegranate matures, it can be used all over the body, the peel can be used as medicine, and the fruit can be eaten or pressed. Studies have found that pomegranate contains a lot of organic acids, sugars, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, and potassium.

Détails rapides :

Apparence Fine uchsia powder
Origine des matières premières Chine
Partie utilisée Fruit
Specification: Powder
Test Method HPLC
Ingrédients actifs Anthocyanins, Glucose, Vitamin c, Ellagic acid, Gallic acid, Catechins, Epicatechins, Quercetin,
Special information Gluten Free, GMO free, Kosher, Halal
Durée de conservation  2 ans si le produit est scellé et stocké à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil.
Emballage Emballage dans des tambours en papier et deux sacs en plastique à l'intérieur. Poids net : 25 kg/tambour.
Stockage Conserver dans un récipient bien fermé, à l'abri de l'humidité.

Fonctions :

  • Helps digestion and absorption: Pomegranate is rich in punicic acid and other organic acids. Can promote digestion and absorption, increase appetite and other effects.
  • Repelling parasite: pomegranate peel contains pomegranate bark alkali. It has the effects of astringent intestines to relieve diarrhea, promote body fluid and quench thirst! And it can anesthetize the parasites in the human body. Play the role of deworming, killing insects and stopping dysentery,
  • Antibacterial: Pomegranate has antibacterial and antiviral effects, and it also has antibacterial effects on various skin fungi
  • Prevent cell canceration: Vitamin C and carotene in pomegranate have the effect of preventing cell canceration (antioxidant), and can prevent atherosclerosis.

Applications :

On the finished supplements market,  Pomegranate podwer can be purchased in tablet form, tincture, soft-gel, liquid, capsule and used to make beverages and skin care products.

Nous contacter

  • Ajouter :

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

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    +86 731 8557 4148

    +86 731 8557 4348

    +86 731 8557 4548

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