Botanical Powder

Poudre botanique

Poudre botanique Produits solubles dans l'eau Autre produit Produits personnalisés

Extrait de noisette

Nom du produit : Extrait de noisette

Nom latin : Corylus avellana


Origine des matières premières : Chine

Informations spéciales : Sans gluten, sans OGM

Certificats : Biologique, Kasher, Halal, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000

Hazelnut extract :

Hazelnut is one of the important nut tree species. It is a woody oil tree species and belongs to the Coriliaceae family. There are 16 species in the world, mainly distributed in Asia, Europe and North America. The fruit is chestnut-shaped, oval, with a yellow-brown shell. Seeds are fragrant, sweet and oily, ripe for harvest in autumn. Hazelnuts are rich in nutrients. In addition to protein, fat, and carbohydrates, the nuts are also rich in carotene, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin E. Hazelnuts contain 8 amino acids that the human body needs. Much higher than walnuts; various trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, iron content in hazelnuts are also higher than other nuts. In addition, it can also produce very precious wood, which is hard, beautiful in texture and color, and can be used as a material for small joinery; some species can be used as trees for vegetation restoration and landscaping. Hazelnuts are rich in oils (mostly unsaturated fatty acids), protein, carbohydrates, vitamins (vitamin E), minerals, sugar fiber, beta-gosterol and the antioxidant carbolic acid and other special ingredients and eight amino acids required by humans with trace elements.

Détails rapides :

Product name Hazelnut extract
Apparence Fine brown yellow powder
Origine des matières premières Chine
Partie utilisée Seed
Specification: 10:1
Certificats Organic,Kosher, Halal,FDA,ISO9001,ISO22000
Durée de conservation  2 ans si le produit est scellé et stocké à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil.
Emballage Emballage dans des tambours en papier et deux sacs en plastique à l'intérieur. Poids net : 25 kg/tambour.
Stockage Conserver dans un récipient bien fermé, à l'abri de l'humidité.

Fonctions :

  • Itself is rich in oil (mostly unsaturated fatty acids), and its content reaches 60.5%, which makes the fat-soluble vitamins contained in it easier to be absorbed by the human body. It has a good nourishing effect on people who are weak, weak after illness, and prone to hunger.;
  • Hazelnut extract can effectively delay aging, prevent hardening of arteries, and moisturize the skin.;
  • It has the effect of improving eyesight and brain, enhancing memory.

Applications :

Hazelnut extract is widely used in food, drinks,healthcare supplement,cosmetics industry and so on.

Nous contacter

  • Ajouter :

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

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    +86 731 8557 4548

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