Botanical Powder

Poudre botanique

Poudre botanique Produits solubles dans l'eau Autre produit Produits personnalisés

Extrait de Borago Officinalis

Nom du produit : Extrait de Borago officinalis

Nom latin : Borago officinalis


Origine des matières premières : Chine

Informations spéciales : Sans gluten, sans OGM

Certificats : Biologique, Kasher, Halal, FDA, ISO9001, ISO22000

Borago officinalis extract:

Borago officinalis, an annual herb with a slight cucumber scent. Native to the eastern Mediterranean coast and Asia Minor, it is now widely cultivated in Europe and North America. It can be used as a nectar source. The fresh leaves are used as vegetables in Europe. The fresh and dried leaves can also be used for stews, soups, and beverages. Borage can reach a height of 120 cm. The leaves are alternate and rough like cucumber leaves, with stalks. Flowering in July, blue flowers in scattered, leafy cymes with long stalks. Nutlets, smooth or papillary. Borage has many medicinal properties, and for many years, there have been many folk legends about the various therapeutic properties of borage. Fresh leaves and flowers are added to drinks such as salads and fruit juices. The flowers can also be used as candy and have analgesic effects. The essential oil extracted from the seeds can be used as a substitute for evening primrose oil for the treatment of rheumatism, irregular menstruation, and topical treatment of eczema. The raw leaves are edible. Can also be used as ornamental plants.

Détails rapides :

Product name Borago officinalis extract
Apparence Fine brown yellow powder
Origine des matières premières Chine
Partie utilisée Herb
Specification: 10:1
Certificats Organic,Kosher, Halal,FDA,ISO9001,ISO22000
Durée de conservation  2 ans si le produit est scellé et stocké à l'abri de la lumière directe du soleil.
Emballage Emballage dans des tambours en papier et deux sacs en plastique à l'intérieur. Poids net : 25 kg/tambour.
Stockage Conserver dans un récipient bien fermé, à l'abri de l'humidité.

Fonctions :

1.Borago officinalis extract has a diuretic effect and can be used as a palliative and analgesic;

2.It can help the body to reduce inflammation and fire;

3.According to research, Borago officinalis is rich in gamma-linolenic acid, which has the effect of inhibiting the spread of cancer cells.


Applications :

Borago officinalis extract is widely used in food, sugar,soup,healthcare supplement and cosmetics.

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    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

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