Botanical Powder

Botanisches Pulver

Botanisches Pulver Wasserlösliche Produkte Anderes Produkt Maßgeschneiderte Produkte

Coprinus Extract

Product name:Coprinus Extract

Latin name: Coprinus comatus


Herkunft der Rohmaterialien: China

Special information: Gluten Free, GMO free

Certificates: Organic,Kosher, Halal,FDA,ISO9001,ISO22000

Coprinus Extract:

Coprinus mushroom, also known as Maotou ghost umbrella. It is named because of its shape like chicken legs and meat like chicken shreds.It is a rare bacterial product with commercial potential that has been artificially developed in recent years, and is known as a “rookie in mushroom”. Coprinus mushroom are rich in nutrients, and delicious in taste. Regular consumption helps to increase appetite, digestion, and enhance human immunity, and has high nutritional value. Coprinus mushroom is also a medicinal mushroom. It is sweet in taste and flat in nature. It is beneficial to the spleen and stomach, clears the heart and calms the nerves, and cures hemorrhoids. Regular consumption can help digestion and increase appetite.

Schnelle Details:

Product name Coprinus Extract
Erscheinungsbild Fine brown yellow powder
Herkunft der Rohstoffe China
Verwendetes Teil Pilz
Spezifikation: 30%P Polysaccharide
Test method UV-vis
Bescheinigungen Organic,Kosher, Halal,FDA,ISO9001,ISO22000
Haltbarkeitsdauer  2 Jahre, wenn sie versiegelt und vor direktem Sonnenlicht geschützt gelagert werden.
Packen Verpackt in Papptrommeln und zwei Plastiksäcken im Inneren. Nettogewicht: 25kg/Fass.
Lagerung Bewahre sie in einem gut verschlossenen Behälter auf und schütze sie vor Feuchtigkeit.


  • Improve immunity: Coprinus extract protein is the most important nutrient to maintain immune function, and it is the main component of white blood cells and antibodies.;
  • Laxative: Coprinus extract can promote the peristalsis of the intestinal wall and help digestion.;
  • Soothe the nerves and eliminate troubles: Coprinus mushrooms contain a variety of amino acids and vitamins, which can regulate metabolism and play a role in calming the nerves;
  • Coprinus extract has an adjuvant therapeutic effect on diabetes.


Coprinus Extract is widely used in food, soup,healthcare supplement,cosmetics industry and so on.


  • Hinzufügen:

    No. A6 Lugu International Industrial Park, 229# West Tongzipo Road, High-Tech Development Zone, Changsha 410205, Hunan, P.R China

  • Tel:

    +86 731 8557 4148

    +86 731 8557 4348

    +86 731 8557 4548

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